I'll send an SOS to the World.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Oreos for Barack

My parents sat in Joe Biden's section at Saturday's Jefferson/Jackson Dinner in Des Moines.
They got Raspberry Cheesecaked by a staffer. I visited Kirsten in Knoxville, we watched CSPAN's coverage on YouTube and electronically sat in Barack's section. We got Oreoed by ourselves.

I told them that our Jefferson/Jackson dessert effort was completely grassroots (and therefore morally superior) because nobody's campaign donation was directed at our excessive consumption of sugar. My mother said the equivalent of "Big deal, snobby offspring! You may be your own neo-hippie, but we were there taking part in history and you weren't." Then she swooned over John Edwards, mentioned seeing Tom Harkin buy beer, and reported that she mailed some confetti she swiped from the floor of Veterans Memorial Auditorium to my sister.

My parents have a relationship to the caucus reminescent of the way I felt about Justin Timberlake in '99. Sure, JT lived on, and we're all thankful, but I'm still partial to the days of N*SYNC.

I warned her about that. All 6 leading candidates can't have big parties in DM forever. She's got to live each of these moments like a crazed teenager. She must listen to "(God Must Have Spent) A Little More Time on You" on repeat. She must eat every last bite of her cheesecake and enjoy the autumn-themed floral arrangement the Biden team sent to the house. She sighed wistfully, as good as any Disney Princess. "Don't I know, Jo. Don't I know."


Harris J & M said...

Actually, it was Tom Vissack, not Tom Harkin buying beer, and your mother didn't actually SEE him, I did!
nya nya na nya nya

Jo said...

Do you mean Tom Vilsack???
nya nya nya nya

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Nomadsville, United States
Lord I was born a ramblin' man.